Home | News | Lindley participating in the first prototype project's buoy monitoring WavEC
Lindley participating in the first prototype project's buoy monitoring WavEC
Lindley, through its associated Almarin, specializes in aids to navigation, was responsible for the design and supply of the signaling buoy which served to support the equipment installed by WavEC, for the collection of environmental and oceanographic data. The buoy used in the first prototype of the offshore monitoring buoy KIC-OTS is characterized by its high stability in the high seas, as well as its flexibility allowing them to adapt to new applications.
Meet the requirements of the project at this stage Lindley considered the C1250T model of Balizamar range the most suitable, having particular regard to the protection and safety of the equipment installed on the buoy to collect data. The C1250T buoy with float in rotomoulded polyethylene and steel structure was designed by Lindley; together with the WavEC technicians solutions have been developed to adapt to the needs of the project buoy.