Home | News | Almarin launches Guia W buoy at the XVIII IALA Conference
Almarin launches Guia W buoy at the XVIII IALA Conference
In this first year, the event focuses on 'Innovation in technology and managerial systems for the twenty-first century', specifically in the AtoN segment.
Almarin exhibits at the XVIII IALA Conference, launching its latest model of buoy, the GUIA W. This solution is made of a one meter diameter polygonal tower from stainless steel. This buoy improves daytime visibility, increases safety for the technician working on board the buoy and provides a longer service life and lower maintenance.
This international conference is held every four years and this year will take place from 25 to 31 May in La Coruña, following on from the previous event in Cape Town. Alongside the conference, an exhibition is held allowing IALA industrial members to showcase their latest product lines.
Almarin will also participate in parallel events such as the first meeting for Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Technicians from Spanish speaking countries, an initiative promoted by Puertos del Estado. In this first year, the event focuses on 'Innovation in technology and managerial systems for the twenty-first century', specifically in the AtoN segment.