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Almarin collaborates in the documentary ‘Torreiros’
The main characters reflect on the changes that technology has brought about, such as remote monitoring of the lighthouse
Almarin has contributed to the documentary Torreiros, a tribute to the traditional trade of lighthouse keeper. The company, together with the Port Authority of Vilagarcía and the Port of Ferrol, has subsidized part of the project, which takes a tour of the most representative lighthouses in Galicia to portray the figure of this centenary trade. The premiere of the documentary in Catalonia will take place on July 14 at the Calella Museum-Lighthouse. Other screenings are also planned at the CGAC (Galician Center for Contemporary Art) in Santiago de Compostela, in Noia and in A Coruña.
Throughout the documentary, lighthouse keepers and people closely linked to the world of the lighthouse appear who relate their experiences with isolation, temporary evil, accidents and deaths in shipwrecks, etc., as well as their other more friendly side, full of rest and serenity. , of challenges and opportunities to meet people and even help people in case of need. However, the protagonists also reflect on the changes that technology has brought about, such as remote monitoring of the lighthouse. “The traditional form of the lighthouse keeper trade disappears but not the trade itself, since maintenance must continue to be done; for example, the buoys have to be changed in the same way as before ”, says Luis Martínez (Faro de Cíes). The dubbing actor Luis Iglesia (known for being the regular voice of Harrison Ford and Paul Newman, among others) has provided the voiceover for the documentary. In short, Torreiros offers a nostalgic and romantic look that overflows with beauty and passion for this trade straddling the sea and the land.
You can find more information at: http://torreiros.blogspot.com.es/