Home | News | Almarin strengthens maritime safety at the San Sebastián airport
Almarin strengthens maritime safety at the San Sebastián airport
Marking in the easements of the San Sebastián airport (Spain)
In the vicinity of an airport extreme air, land and sea precautions. Almarin has been awarded in the tender issued by AENA for the "supply and installation of buoys for the protection of the easements of the San Sebastián airport" (Guipúzcoa). The signaling buoys have been installed at the head of the flight track, in the Bidasoa estuary, to delimit the navigation area of ??the boats. The buoys, model B1600S of the Balizamar brand, are made of rotationally molded polyethylene and filled with expanded polyurethane. In addition, they have day mark, radar reflector, top mark, marine lanterns and concrete block for the anchor train.